What is globalization, history, causes, impacts – destruction

What does globalization mean:

Globalization is the global economic system. Globalization is the political and economic policy “history”of conducting trade seamlessly across the globe. Globalization is the rich concept of wealthy states controlling two states. Globalization is the new form of colonization.


What is the Globalization:

Globalization is the process of integrating globalization of each country or region with other countries or regions. The multi-faceted process involves economic, technical, social and agricultural and political fields. The word is very commonly defined in many different ways. This term is more commonly used to explain the process of integrating national economic structures with the international economy. In such a unified process, trade, direct foreign investment, flow of capital, living abroad and technical technology are the driving forces of this process. globalization history

History of Globalization:

The concept of globalization is very old. Considering the duration of globalization, its history can be divided into three levels.

Level 1: Primary period of globalization history – 1200-1850

It is also known as the colonial era. At that time, European countries discovered and colonized North and South America. The route from Europe to Africa and Asia was explored, and here they also strategically colonized. It was during this time that commerce was developed and the idea of free trade was created. From this level, globalization history begins.

Level 2: The era of multinational companies history – 1850-1915

Science and technology developed during this period. And new businesses are invented. In this age, the concept of capitalism was invented. The idea of personal wealth and prosperity comes from land acquisition. The dominance of commerce was fought at this stage. It comes at this level and creates the vices of globalization history .

Level 3: The era of modern globalization history – 1915-present time

At this level globalization gains institutional form. Although the imperialists engaged in wars of conflict between themselves at the 1st and 2nd levels, at the third level they united and worked for globalization. At this level, they divide the earth into rich, poor, capitalist-socialist, advanced-under-developed, industrial-dependent, non-agricultural country. At this level, they relinquished control of the land and controlled commerce. It controls the world. This level is the final stage of globalization history .

The cause of globalization history :

There is a historical reason for globalization. Traders have a huge role in entering society from egalitarianism to capitalism. Basically the capitalists institutionalize globalization to spread their capital. They make different products; To sell these products, there was a need for free communication, free trade and free will, and to meet these needs the capitalists gave a sense of globalization.

Globalization has allowed capitalists to increase their capital. With globalization they have been able to create new colonies. By the name of globalization, the capitalists have the legitimacy to control world politics, politics and culture. By using globalization without the use of military force, the entire world is now being governed from a single center. And from these objectives comes globalization to protect the capitalists.

Development of globalization:

Globalization developed in the nineteenth century. Science and information technology are the major contributors to the development of present-day globalization. Many statistics, research and surveys show that current globalization is dependent on science and information technology.

Another reason is that imperialist countries work together to establish globalization after World War I and II. The intellectuals, researchers, sociologists, theorists of these countries research and find out different theories and ideas. And these countries are well-established, gradually developing these theories.

They were jointly led by these imperialist states in order to establish economically and politically legitimate exploitation and authority. These institutions and organizations have played an important role in the development of globalization.

The World Bank was established in the 8th, the UN and the IMF were formed in the 5th, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was formed on the 9th. Subsequently, a number of organizations and organizations have played a major role in developing globalization.

Media is one of the reasons why imperialists have used globalization at their disposal. Presents globalization positively in all media, including print media, electronic media, movies, books, magazines.

Those who have given the idea of globalization are the ones who once ruled the world. Therefore, the poor and the two countries have influence on their culture, customs, behavior, customs, dress, fashion, style, language. And through this, the globalization of the world has become easier to respond to.

Impact of Globalization history :

If globalization is first promoted in such a way, then the poorer countries will benefit more if it is established. However, poor countries have never benefited through globalization. The imperialist countries have benefited from this and the poorer countries have been affected.

  1. Imperialism is going on in the name of globalization. By destroying the sub-sovereignty of different countries by conducting military aggression in different countries in the name of peacekeeping. Robbery is being carried out in the name of security. They are provoking conflict in the name of peace talks. The enemy is being destroyed by the enemy. And they are using globalization to legitimize these types. They are making militants. Again, globalization is giving the militants benefit to their needs. Through militancy, world politics is gaining legitimacy by intervening in other countries. And imperialist countries are taking advantage of this as their own.

2.One of the characteristics of globalization is free trade and movement, but it is only for the wealthy. But on the 5th of the concept, everyone was told about equal opportunity. But it was never observed. People have to follow the strict rules for visas, especially for people in third world countries. But it was said that due to globalization, people can move freely from one country to another. The products of developed countries come to our country freely and duty-free but in the name of poor country products the harassment goes away. Only the wealthy are allowed to enter the country without ensuring quality. Again, all products are not given duty free access. Again to get these duty-free, they have to agree with the country and the people against various agreements, many hundreds have to accept. They have to hand over the country’s natural resources and their preferred investment sectors. And they govern a country in the name of globalization by a handful of people.

3. The idea of ??globalization is that of the capitalist and wealthy ruling classes, so they enjoy all the benefits of globalization and the rich countries work together to promote their economic and political domination. Organizations and organizations such as the European Union, the G20, the Security Council, NATO, and rich nations use globalization for their benefit. Commercial and political affiliations are very good in these countries, they can operate in these countries without a visa.

Each other comes in danger. These states work together. And the poor and underdeveloped countries have to suffer all the difficulties. The rich states discriminate against the poorest. From these states they use labor as slaves. The wages they receive are not paid. They use globalization to legitimately provide workers for all low-income jobs.

4. The fundamentalist armed militants were born with their own hands to sustain the arms trade, to break the Soviet Union, to destroy Islam and to divide Islam, but they were not. The poor developing Muslim countries are the victims. In the name of resolving the problem again, the conflict between the government and militants in these countries has been sustained and they are taking advantage of the third party from the two sides.

The government is telling the militants to destroy the militants and the militants are saying that to destroy the government and the imperialist countries are trying to take the state to the private sector by destroying both parties. Recognizing the illegality of the plundering of militants, the civilian state’s renowned states prove they are luring terrorists in the name of globalization history .

Because they are buying weapons through robbery and the current world information technology is being controlled by Google or YouTube’s Central Savior America, the Internet network is also in their hands, but they are being abused by militants. Suppression is the suppression that you carry out your terrorist activities in all states except America. If you harm us, you are in danger, so do as you say.


The result of globalization:

In order to understand the consequences of globalization, we will look at some of the ideas given by the Mexican thinker Fuentes that show us how globalization is the result of globalization. Here are the following:

  • $ 4 billion is enough to meet the basic education needs of developing countries, while in the United States, the same amount of money is spent on cosmetics. Is it possible to get in the carmine? It turns out that globalization is never a blessing for poor countries.
  • In today’s world, $ 13 billion is enough to solve the food, health and water problems of poor countries. In Europe, on the other hand, the same amount of money is spent behind the ice cream. Is this acceptable too? Seeing so much information creates hate on the rich states. Former UNESCO Director Federico Mayer and World Bank (former) director James Wolfenson said, “It is impossible to believe that the world could spend an estimated $ 1 billion a year on weapons, or could raise $ 6 billion to educate every child in school.” No.
  • It is possible to make every child in the world stand in front of a blackboard with only one percent of the money spent on the military sector worldwide.
  • Globalization is increasing inequalities, hunger and poverty, increasing environmental degradation, increasing discrimination in society, increasing social political and economic problems. They are creating discrimination and talking about reducing discrimination. According to one study, the amount of water that the Western eyes once used in the toilet means that an African family lives one day with water.
  • And they set up factories, destroy the environment, raise temperatures, pollute water, pollute air, and hold seminars in developing countries to protect the environment. Ships harmful to the environment and health, the tobacco industries are established in developing or underdeveloped countries. But the industrialized states own the developed countries. They are setting up harmful industries in these countries in the third world without putting them in their country. The developed countries are benefiting from this and third world countries are facing problems. This is largely due to globalization
  • The wealth of 3 people is equal to the wealth of 3 million people in the third world. Unilever, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Intel, Sony, Samsung, Adobe, Amazon, Canon, Coca-Cola, IBM, Nike, Nike, Nissan, Nokia, Pepsi, Reebok, Vodafone and many other companies with their annual income from one of these companies. Equal to the budget. This is the result of globalization.
  • Globalization has led to the development of science and technology in the world, medical development, people have entered from the primitive era to the modern age, they have dreamed of a better life, better communication with the media. Due to globalization, people are traveling from one country to another. He and his country understand the path. Globalization has touched people’s well-being.

Globalization problems can be created and solutions to problem:

Finally, globalization is something that can solve many of the problems that exist in the world, as many problems can be created. If the concept with which globalization was provided is established, then everyone will benefit. The problems that are currently being developed by the developed countries and the problems facing the developing countries can be solved through globalization. If globalization is not helpful in creating problems, we will welcome globalization

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